Procurement Process Steps

The procurement process flow describes the steps that must take place before a purchase order can be created. The first step is to review the requisition to determine whether it is genuine. Once the requisition is approved, the next step is to cross-check the budget availability. The managers review the requisition package and determine whether the company has enough funding to cover the purchase. If there is no funding available, the requisition is rejected and sent back to the requisitioner. The procurement team develops a plan and solicitation process for the requested goods or services. The scope of procurement is dependent on the type of requirement.

Proper procurement is an important part of a business’s success. It helps leverage product development and strengthens relationships while improving transparency and saving time. It also reduces company expenses. A good procurement process can also save your employees’ time, ensure a higher level of efficiency, and increase your company’s bottom line. Using a procurement flow guide can help you improve your company’s efficiency, output, and bottom line. The following are steps to make your procurement process flow smoothly.

After mapping the procurement process flow, you will have a better understanding of the steps that need to take place. It is crucial to map the entire process to identify any gaps in your process model and identify areas that need improvement. To learn how to create a procurement flow diagram, download the free Procurement Process Flow Workbook. It outlines an overview of the procurement management process and all of its subprocesses. For example, a procurement process flow chart will illustrate how a request is processed from the employee’s perspective to the supplier’s final decision.


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